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Who We Are

ROBERGAM SRL unipersonale puts its many years of experience in the electrical, civil, industrial and safety systems sector at the service of its customers at 360°, installing excellent quality materials and combining the right solution for each request, never forgetting the importance of following all the regulations in force in this field.

The company has structured itself over time, under the organizational and operational aspects, in order to manage its activity in quality, sensitive from the beginning, to identify working methods capable of both reducing costs, without affecting the quality of the service offered and the product supplied, and to provide the customer with targeted and organized services, essential for intelligent planning and optimized by the checks and maintenance interventions to be carried out on the systems.

Constant Evolution

Qualified personnel

Ci avvaliamo di personale dipendente, giovane dinamico e tecnicamente preparato per un totale di 25 unità, di attrezzature e mezzi in quantità e qualità per l’esecuzione di qualsiasi lavoro.

  • Manutenzione
  • Circlecam
  • Domoticacasa

Consultancy and Estimates

We are always available to find the solution that best suits your needs

©Robergam - P.I/C.F. 02949790162 - lscr. Reg. Imp. BG, R.E.A. 336597
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